Notes from the Field

Its been a while… I have been contemplating whether or not to write a note or more here and there during my somewhat dislocated return to Toronto. I have decided to write a few short words before I return home to Guatemala. Home.

I have been enjoying a few small things while I am here… though I miss Iniyal terribly and wish that she could have been with me during my exhibition. I have been staying with Iniyals family, who are always wonderful and kind to me and make me feel at home. I have been enjoying conversations sometimes heated in topic sometimes silly and light… always worthwhile.

Today I spent most of the day watching the TV that is the window at the gallery, looking out onto the street, well, the avenue…. is an avenue still a street when not in name? Whatever. People wander by… some drop into the gallery, many stare in through the glass as I usually do. I suppose there is, occasionally, something terrifying about art galleries. A few friends have dropped in… Deb and Joe, Rebecca and Jonathan. Was so good to see them.

I am tired and I want to go home. I wish that Iniyal had been here…

The opening event for my show was nice. There was a strong turnout, which I very much appreciated. Iniyal telephoned, which made me feel complete… the AWOL gang was in full force and super helpful and supportive of course…

So.. two minutes ago, this fellow comes in and has a look at my work. He then starts asking questions of me and where the recurring bird theme is coming from… We discuss this to some length in an enjoyable conversation that breaks up the monotony of the day beautifully. He was encouraging and direct in his comments, which I appreciated. He tells me that he spends most of his time hitting the galleries, week after week, year after year. He tells me more or less that looking at work is a way of life for him. He heads out into the rest of the day with a congratulatory remark. This man, and earlier in the day, a young girl, an OCAD student who came in with her mother, who had explained that she was a fan of my work and was following my career, help make this a rewarding career.

Till a little further on…


Mr Hryhorczuk